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The art of sleeping while pregnant

The art of sleeping while pregnant

As I am sure most moms know getting a full nights sleep while pregnant can be tricky if not totally impossible. There are many theory's out there today stating either absolutely no back sleeping to only sleeping on your left side to trying to sleep with a big wedge under your right hip. 

If you didn't sleep in these positions before pregnancy thinking that you can switch your habit at a drop of a dime may not be realistic for most women. While we do know that later on in your pregnancy, laying on your back may cause the weight of your baby to cut off very important blood flow causing symptoms ranging from nausea, heartburn, dizziness to stomach kicks from your little one; which can all be very scary information especially to you first time mamas out there. While I do not pretend to be an expert in this field my suggestion would be to listen to your bodies ladies. Sleep is very important for yourself and your growing child and I believe that your body will tell you if something is not right (even if you don't realize it). It will tell you its time to roll to a new position or get up for another pee break. If you are one of those moms who are struggling with their sleep some great ways to relax and bring on the ZZZ's are: a nice warm bath before bed time, getting exercise during the day, cutting your afternoon naps down, yoga, meditation, massage therapy, chamomile tea and diffusing lavender essential oil in your room at bedtime. The more you can increase your parasympathetic nervous system(rest and digest) the easier it will be for you to get a goods night rest.

- Nissa Cochran RMT

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