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2 minutes reading time (470 words)

Drink More Water

If you have ever had a massage, there is a great chance you have heard your therapist say at the end, "REMEMBER TO DRINK A LOT OF WATER…" and then any other following homework they have for you.

Now, let's be honest here. How many of you are actually listening to our recommendations when we tell you to drink water? How many of you are having less than 60 oz. for the rest of the night? How many of you are drinking at least 80 oz. the next day?

Not following this advice after your massage can actually cause you to feel worse and have the opposite effect on your body verses the reason you originally booked the session. If you do not drink sufficient water after any massage, you will feel like you got hit by a truck for the next two days and you might be inclined to think it was because of the massage techniques used during your session. Those toxins will relocate themselves in a different weak spot in your body. The toxins that just got worked out won't finish flushing through your system if you're not drinking at least 80 oz. of water for the next 48 hours following a massage, regardless if it was a light Swedish, Deep Tissue, or a "go so deep I could cry" session.

Think of your body as a pumping system. You are 75% water. By the time you are licking your lips – you are dehydrated. By the time you think, "I'm hungry" – you are dehydrated. And by the time you are drinking water – you are really dehydrated. And when you are dehydrated, your pumping system gets full of stagnant, gloppy, sludge – trudging through your system, feeding your muscles and feeding your bloodstream with all that toxicity. The average recommendation of daily water intake is eight 8 oz. glasses. That is 640z of life source your body needs to perform at an average functionality. If you are an active person, you'd better be hiking that number up. The more active you are, the more water you need. There's no way around it. To drink less than that in a day is asking for trouble. Water, and plenty of it, is critical to sustaining a long and healthy life. When you listen to us and you are drinking a lot of water in the following 48 hours after your massage, you are creating a tsunami of rejuvenation and revitalization inside your vessel. So make water your main drink, your drink of choice, and your favorite drink. Allow yourself to fall in LOVE with water all over again and take it upon yourself to drink it on a daily basis, so when you do get a massage you can smile and say, "I can definitely do that."
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Comments 1

Guest - Melissa on Wednesday, 18 April 2018 15:44

YES drinking water every day is IMPORTANT. You should drink half tour body weight in ounces. If you weight 200 lbs then you need to drink 100 ounces of water daily. ❤

YES drinking water every day is IMPORTANT. You should drink half tour body weight in ounces. If you weight 200 lbs then you need to drink 100 ounces of water daily. ❤
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